Creating Stylish Jewellery

If you are an artisan with your own small business of jewellery making, or maybe a hobbyist who loves to create bespoke pieces to give to friends or family, or even to wear yourself; then you know about the importance of each piece being individual.

Individual Style

People will pay a premium to ensure they have a one of a kind piece. So if jewellery making is your business, or a way to make a little extra money, then keeping records of designs is important. You can create several of the same piece, but use a different coloured stone, bail or texture as an easy way to make it individual.

Designing your workspace

When you have a special space that is just yours, where you create your beautiful pieces of jewellery, you will want it to be and extension of your artistic self. Using one of a kind pieces of soft furnishings such as a cowhide rug on the floor is a great place to start. Not only will it be a statement and create a talking point, each cowhide rug from trendcarpets is individual. No two cowhide rugs are the same and that is a theme that can carry on through your work.

Using cowhide rugs to keep warm

If you are renting your workspace then you may not be allowed to change much within the room itself, such as plastering walls, repainting, fitting carpets or laminate floor. If the space is cold, then cowhide rugs are great on the floor, they are able to be laced anywhere, are not fixed in place and so can be easily moved, and they can also be hung on the wall.

Rugs as a wall hanging

You might not be allowed to insulate the walls in the usual way and if your workspace is cold, especially in winter, then hanging a couple of rugs can help to keep the heat in. This can also help to keep your heating bills to a minimum, and any small business owner knows, utilities are increasing in cost, which means less profit to you. Keeping the costs down is important.

Pricing your work

While on the subject of profit and rising costs, it is important to know how to price your work. Handmade items often come at a premium, and this is rightly so. Never undersell yourself, your time is just as important as anyone elses, and if that pendant has taken 5 hours to perfect, make sure you cost accordingly.

Quick to make items like stud earrings or a plain band ring can be priced lower, and this can mean a small but steady income, but if you let the creative juices flow and produce something that includes stones, texturing or patina then larger jewellery items can take a long time, even all day, to get right. Make sure you add your hourly rate to the costs of materials to get a fair price for your item.

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