Showing your Handmade Jewellery

Handmade jewellery is becoming really popular and a big seller at craft fairs. People love the special touch that only handmade items can bring, and when it is handmade it can be personalised for that added touch. Designing your own pieces also gives a real sense of satisfaction, to see that piece go from nothing to a wearable, finished pendant or ring made by your own hands really is something remarkable.

Selling your jewellery

If you make jewellery, then you might want to consider selling some of your work, so try to market your homemade jewellery at a craft fair or online. Perhaps you love beading and wire wrapping, or maybe you go the whole hog and are a dab hand with the solder and like to work with metals like silver and gold? Either way, there is a plenty of money to be made from what may have just started out as a hobby.

Consider your outfit

When you are working at a show you want to consider your outfit. You will likely be standing all day, or for the most part of it, so wearing something comfortable is a must. Flat shoes are certainly a priority, but also considering layering, as you will never be sure of the temperature in the room you are going to be in. You can team blazers over vest tops or lightweight blouses, that way you can take the blazer off if it gets too warm and still be comfortable and stylish. You will also be giving a professional outlook to potential customers.

Your stock

You want to make sure you have a nice range of items to sell. if you specialise in pendants, for example, showcase your skills with plenty of options for customers, but add in some earrings and rings too, once you have caught the attention of a client, then they might want to match the item they have their eye on with other pieces.

Custom pieces

Do you offer custom made items? Make sure you have plenty of business cards to hand out. Potential customers might spot a really lovely piece they want to buy but would prefer it with a different stone, or different texturing. They need to know how to get in touch with you to make arrangements to buy exactly what they want from you after the craft fair is over.

Buy quality tools

Once you start getting established you might want to move on to buying better quality tools for the job. As a hobbyist, most people start out with basic items, but when selling you want to have quality finishes to your pieces. You might even move on from cubic zirconia to diamonds when you get the hang of it.

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